Effektive Flüchtlingshilfe vor Ort - nachhaltige solarbetriebene Wasserversorgung eingeweiht

Einweihung der solarbetriebenen Wasserversorgung

JEffektive Flüchtlingshilfe vor Ort - nachhaltige solarbetriebene Wasserversorgung für 160 Karen Kinder in einer Grenzschule zu Myanmar

June 2nd, 2016: The official hand-over of an eco-friendly and sustainable Karen refugee project - a great collaboration between SHFM eV / Germany and Rotary Club RHH in Thailand.

President Eva Hoetzel from SHFM eV/Germany and President Gianni Battistini from Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin/Thailand were at Ban Phanak School close to the Myanmar border for the official hand-over of a Solar-Powered Water-Pump System. In this camp in the middle of nowhere 40 families and 160 Karen families are living. In the past the children had to carry the water uphill in watering cans. Rtn Michael Ruess, the technical project leader of RCRHH, replaced two aged and partly damaged diesel-powered pumps. Now an effective solar-powered pump in the river and water pipes replace the old system and is providing the camp with fresh water and electricity. He did a fantastic technical and financial job, as he cut the calculated costs down from nearly 700.000 THB to only around 250.000 THB. In his role as treasurer of SHFM eV Rtn Dr. Gerhard Hoetzel paid for the cost of materials ( solar panels, pumps, pipes, tank). SHFM eV sponsored in order to provide clean water for the Karen school an amount of 216.000 THB. Thank you to Rotary for this excellent and friendly collaboration between our two non-profit organizations.

A big THANK YOU to all our German donators to "Stuttgarter Hilfe für Flüchtlingswaisenkinder aus Myanmar e.V.- SHFM eV".




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